Friday 29 May 2009

On The Cusp...

I'm lying on the cusp,
darkness, daybreak,
wakefulness and sleep.

He unfolds before me,
tall, taller than my father.
A bare chest blazoned with a glimmer of steel.

Hair shaken, drifts across his shoulders,
my eyes wander and absorb.
He is beautiful, I muse.

Sinews stretched,
contours shimmer,
I gasp bewildered by my gaze.

Before thought, before breath,
As it reaches for me,
the bullwhip cracks.

Vibrations resonate,
forces throw me,
shaken I wonder what's occurred.

A third eye throbs,
waiting, anticipation,
words slosh like soup inside my mind.

Illusion dispersed,
reality reinstated,
Crack, the spell within snaps.

A chuckle breaks the silence,
"So, Do fish swim?"
This one does, it's free.


  1. Hello Little Fish!

    Thanks for your comment on my blog! I love your writing. Did you make the Totem Spirits??? They are fascinating. I look forward to more!

    xo Camilla

  2. Thankyou for your generous comments Camilla.

    Totem Spirits are my own creations, they take about a month of work each, but I feel they are well worth the effort!

    Sweet Blessings,

    Sprat x
